Irish Terrier - getting to know this intelligent breed

Get to know Irish Terriers

Irish Terriers are lively, strong willed and inquisitive. A perfect sized terrier for modern living, the Irish Terrier has a long-standing position in the history of working breeds

Developed in Ireland, the breed was honed to have the qualities of hardiness, courage and unsurpassed skills as a ratter.

Importantly, their temperament was bred to be suited to living closely with people. The coat of an Irish Terrier has resemblances to the Wolfhound in texture and colour and suggests a blood line with that most ancient breed.


The online sources I’ve found all say that male Irish Terriers weigh around 11-12kg, but I’ve found that the ones I’ve met are a bit bigger than this, coming in more around 14-15kg.

What do you think? How much does your Irish Terrier weigh? Let us know in comments!





11-12kg (according to Kennel Club)







‘An active, lively and wiry appearance; plenty of substance but free of clumsiness. Neither cloddy nor cobby but showing a graceful racy outline.’ [source: Kennel Club, UK]

I’m not sure what cloddy or cobby is!! What is the temperament of your Irish Terrier? Let us know in comments!

Other sources call them ‘bold, dashing, and courageous, lively, strong willed and inquisitive. Don’t they just sound the most fabulous of companions!

irish terrier


The Irish Terrier, as the name suggests, is a terrier dog hailing from Ireland.

Apparently, the Irish Terrier is considered one of the oldest terrier breeds. Online research tells me that The Dublin dog show in 1873 was the first to provide a separate class for Irish Terriers and that by the 1880s, Irish Terriers were the fourth most popular breed in Ireland and Britain.

Isn’t it fascinating how dog breeds go in and out of ‘fashion’. Although, dogs in the 1880s were not kept as pets, they were working members of the farm.

From being the fourth most popular, to being a delight to see on relatively few occasions, sadly the Irish Terrier is no longer even in the top 40 breeds owned in the UK and are classed as a ‘heritage breed’.

‘Over the centuries the breed was perceived as the perfect all-round, all purpose terrier… sturdy and strong enough ‘to protect the potato patch. but unlikely to eat you out of house and home’, courageous, indomitable, swift enough to catch small game but loyal and loving with children.’ [source: History - We Love Irish Terriers]

General Health

In general, Irish Terriers are a healthy breed.

However, there are a couple of things to be mindful of with your dog’s health. The below list includes things that you would keep an eye on in any breed, so don’t worry that Irish Terriers are particularly at risk.

[source: All About Irish Terriers (]

  • Bladder and kidney stones. These are painful deposits that form in your dog’s organs. Look for signs like blood in their urine or difficulty urinating. These are emergencies, so get your dog to the vet as soon as possible. With treatment, your pet will recover.
  • Cataracts. These make the lenses in your dog’s eyes opaque. They eventually lead to blindness. You can choose to have them treated with surgery. Keep in mind that older dogs typically adjust to the vision loss with few problems. 
  • Hyperkeratosis. This is a condition that causes the pads on your dog’s feet to thicken. It’s also called “corny feet”. It’s becoming more rare in the breed and is more common when the dog comes from a European line.   
  • Hip dysplasia. This is where the ball and socket of your dog's hip joint don’t develop properly as they grow. Instead of sliding smoothly, the bones grind against each other, wearing down and eventually making it difficult for your dog to move. Your veterinarian can evaluate your dog’s joints and see how likely they are to cause problems throughout your dog's life.
  • Patellar luxation. This is a common cause of lameness in dogs that’s due to problems with your pet’s knee joint. They could be born with it or develop the problem from an injury. The treatment will depend on how severe your dog’s condition is but could include surgery.
  • PyometraThis is a uterine infection that can be dangerous for your dog. It only affects females that still have their uterus in place. The most effective solution is to remove the uterus.  
  • Thyroid problemsA common problem is hypothyroidism, where your dog’s body can’t make enough thyroid hormone. Signs can include dry skin, hair loss, and behavioural problems. Your veterinarian should screen for this condition on an annual basis. Treatment is usually in the form of a pill to replace the hormones.

irish terrier agility 

Exercise requirements

One to two hours a day and they greatly benefit from brain games and can be good at agility.  See owner Ola's tips below on how to entertain an Irish Terrier.

Grooming and coat health

The Irish Terrier has a harsh wiry coat will benefit from a brush. Some owners choose to hand stripping to maintain the harsh outer coat whilst others ask the groomer to clip cut.

See Ola’s opinion below, she owns an IT and believes they should be stripped.

Irish Terriers do not shed as a rule, or very little, they are classed as a wire hair breed with a double coat.

They need bathing as much or as little as any dog.  Have you had the best adventure and got really muddy? Then a bath it is for you!

The North of England Irish Terrier Club have more useful information about coat health and maintenance - Grooming your Irish Terrier - The North of England Irish Terrier Club (


Owner’s guide – meet Pebble!

We asked our fabulous friends Ola and Seb to give us an owner’s view of what it’s like to share your life with an Irish Terrier.

 irish terrier pebble


Hi Ola, can you tell us what is it like to own an Irish Terrier puppy? e.g. levels of energy, challenges etc

Playful, curious, no separation anxiety, high level of energy, love collecting trophies - Pebble would find an item, a shoe, piece of clothing, my glasses etui, empty plastic bottle, really anything and proudly parade with it in front of us to the garden to chew on it.

Mind you, he never destroyed anything, it was more like an invitation to play, making sure that we will chase him was for him a lot of fun.

The best way to get the item back was luring him with a squeaky toy or a treat and fair-trade exchange for something else (good opportunity to learn 'swap').

 Let us know your experiences in comments!

How would you describe the personality of an IT?

Inquisitive, alert, resolute, plucky, friendly, affectionate, INDEPENDENT, easy-going but wilful, adaptable.

Very social - they like to be with humans and there where things are happening but will rarely seek attention - your presence is enough.

Active outdoors, but if they have enough exercise (physical and mental) they are relaxed and calm indoors.

What games do they like to play?

Tug – always

Ball - after Pebble finished 7 months before ball was not interesting, but the ball must bounce and roll. If it lands in the deep sand, high grass or bushes the fun is over

Hide & seek - with us

Treasure hunt/ scent work - hiding treats (at home or garden) and letting him find them (great training opportunity)


 Let us know what games you like to play in comments!

Are they good with other dogs?

Generally, yes.

Can be rowdy with the same sex.

Before his 2nd birthday Pebble loved all dogs, with no exceptions. Once he has finished 2 he started to growl/ bark at other intact dogs (still, some of his best palls are intact, it is mostly about meeting new ones) but he is good with ladies, neutered dogs and puppies

Are they good with people?

Pebble is great with people! And very careful and reasonable.

He lets everybody to pet him, but unless they are his friends, he will not jump at them or try to lick their faces*.

He will be more frivolous when he knows people (whole body wiggle and occasional jump) but he is never 'too much', he does not seek attention and will settle nicely after initial joy of meeting them.

He is great with children. He will happily (and carefully!) play with them if they want to, but also go about his own business if they are not interested. As hard as it is for me to imagine it and accept it, but not all kids are keen on dogs!

Pebble is fine with every number of guests (ages across the board) at home, and is easy going when we take him for family visits or parties (where he is most likely to be found in the kitchen...)

 * ITs are not licky. They do not drool (unless exposed to food directly in front of them which they are not allowed to have) and never ever have an urge to lick you, least your face. The highest level of IT affection is a transient touch of your ear with their tongue, blink-and-you-will-miss-it. It happens very rarely and I love when it does :)

 bob and pebble irish terrier

What challenges do they present and how have you worked through them?

Problem: Strong hunting drive. Pebble will chase deer, bunnies, cats, squirrels, or a plastic bag floating in the wind.

Squirrels are least problem, as soon as they are up the tree they are not interesting.

The persistence in chasing other creatures is worrying, problematic. Pebble will eventually come back but in the chase mode he has no sense for a road traffic etc.

Solution: environmental management - in places where I expect deer, cat etc. Pebble is always on the lead. Long lead if we are hiking in the woods. And Pebble wear a tracker, just in case.

Do they have any particular dislikes (e.g. loud noises)

Rain. Most of ITs dislike rain to the extent of not going out when it rains, alternatively galloping to next possible shelter if the rain catches them on the walk. 

Before getting an IT I strongly recommend purchasing rain jackets and dog robes from a friendly shoppy known as Be More Bob :)

Do they bark a lot?

No. Pebble barks when we play (chasing the ball in silence is no fun!), he will bark at the cat or at the things he is afraid of (as a puppy he was afraid of shapeshifters, like banners, bags or any fabric rustled by the wind, now no longer).

He will bark when someone rings the doorbell, and stop as soon as the door is open :)

Anything else you think could be useful to people reading about the breed...


ITs are hypoallergic breed - they almost do not shed.

Coat maintenance low, brushing once or twice a week to remove the dead hair and grooming 3-4 times a year (hand stripping not clipping!)

Health issues:




Like with most independent and spirited breads, training is a very good idea (I would even say a necessity). Well-trained dogs will obey you. Well-trained Irish Terriers might obey you (if it fits into their plans) but at least they will know what you want from them :) 


Home is where you are (and their favourite blanky). They are great travellers.

Tips for ownership:

I repeat myself here, depending on where one goes for a walk (ITs do not differentiate between vermin, cats or deer) having an IT on a lead/ long lead is a good idea.

IT will not trot next to you or go for a quick sniff and come back (well... in 50% of the cases it will, but in other 50% something will smell just so much better... and off he goes!). And always watch your dog. An unattended IT is very likely to get himself into trouble.

ITs enjoy challenges - physical and mental. And unlike some breads who adore you because you are there, in ITs case you must earn their affection - mostly by goofing around.

Playing games (ball, hide & seek, puzzles) is a great opportunity for training and bonding, but it takes time, energy and calls for some creativity.

And like with any other dog breed consequence is a key. Goofing around is great fun and great option to teach certain behaviours (all sorts of recall, drop, swap, stop recognising objects) but it is important to let your IT now when play is over.

ITs are great explorers/ reckless adventurers - discovering new places (often on a long lead) and sniffaris off beaten daily-walkies paths are great fun!

Summarising - IT are great dogs who demand to be a part of your life. They will reward your investment thousand times - but you must have energy and time to invest. If you are an active person who is ready to share your dogs adventures an IT is a perfect breed for you!

Thank you so much Pebble, Seb and Ola for letting us know what it's like to share your life with an Irish Terrier!

Pebble's favourite Be More Bob loot

Pebble's favourite bed is an Earthbound Morland rectangular bed. It's a British made bed, super plump with three pockets of filling and covered in upholstery fabric for a durable finish. It's washable, comfortable and durable - perfect!

Click here for Pebble's favourite bed - Rectangular Morland Bed - Breton Blue – Be More Bob

pebble irish terrier in earthbound bed

Pebble loves JR Pet natural chews, he particularly likes a beef tail, a lamb braid and a pizzle.

Click here to see Pebble's favourite JR Pet - JR Pet Products – Be More Bob

Pebble doesn't like getting wet and he wears a Ruffwear fully waterproof coat to keep dry, and look amazingly stylish! Click here to see Pebble's coat - Ruffwear Sun Shower Jacket - Midnight Blue / Hibiscus Pink / Blue Dusk – Be More Bob

ruffwear sun shower dog coat


pebble irish terrier dog robe

He also likes to wear a snuggly dry robe when he gets home. Click here to see Pebble's robe - Dogrobes – Be More Bob

Pebble loves to play tug, bouncy ball and 'find it'.  We've put together a page full of toys that would fit the bill! Click here to see our suggestions for an Irish Terrier - Pebble the Irish Terrier's favourite items – Be More Bob

Pebble wears a Ruffwear Flagline harness. The perfect harness for his shape with the added benefit that you cannot back out of a Flagline, so it's great for 'flighty' dogs.

He also uses a Ruffwear Switchbak lead (double ended) and owns a super cool Ruffwear Front Range harness Day Pack, which has pockets on the side.  Perfect for longer walks, hiking, adventures and such.

ruffwear front range day pack harness

Other sources

When researching the breed I came across this great website for fans and owners of the breed. There is a brilliant more in-depth history section on this site, with fascinating facts about how the Irish Terrier has evolved from working breed to fabulous family dog.

‘They are much more biddable today and many excel in ‘Obedience and Agility’ competitions. But the flame in their eyes is still the same – their intelligence and courage is intact and their deep affection for people is unaltered.’ [source: we love Irish Terriers]

We Love Irish Terriers - We Love Irish Terriers

Please let us know about your Irish Terrier in comments!

irish terrier


  • We have a 15 mth old IT named Achilles
    I have owned and trained Labrador Retrievers in my late 20’s into my 30’s for water fowl and upland game hunting and even trained other owners pets to become capable field gun dogs .

    However I developed adult asthma and allergies in my early 40’s and cups no longer tolerate being in the same room or worse in a closed windowed vehicle without triggering asthmatic type symptoms so we required a hypo allergenic canine if we wanted to maintain a dog / human relationship with our growing family

    So I did some research and landed a Male Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier we named Luke from a reputable breeder named Kristen Williams in Wallaceburg Ontario Canada.

    Luke was an amicable friendly outgoing animal full of spunk and drive and a willingness to please and became a devoted family member from day 1.

    He was easy to house train in like a single day … and he was comical beyond belief giving us daily doses of laughing at his antics ( running with his face completely buried in sand the entire time while at the beach and before heading home for a day at the beach he would roll around for several minutes in the beach sand itself … Luke would repeat this same behaviour with the snow in the winter and we would watch him thru the kitchen window racing the width of the backyard with his face completely in the snow and head covered and then turn his face to do the same on the other side lol… till he had his fill of that activity and rushed to the back kitchen door to come in).

    He was smart and a quick learner and I taught him the ways of a hunting retriever and I dare say even tho he had long flowing outter coat and did not possess webbed paws like a lab? That he could retrieve water fowl or upland game as well as any lab I ever owned or trained

    Luke was not territorial or had a super strong prey instinct … yes he would go after a squirrel in the back yard but I also witness him yawning at a family of raccoons taking their evening stroll on the top rail of the back section of our wooden fence so go figure 🤷‍♂️ lol

    He wa also not that protective as we had a home invasion while my then 19 yr old son was asleep in his bedroom while the rest of the family were out and about and Luke had the full roam inside of the house even if no one was home with him as he was non destructive and their typically was always someone home within a 2 hr window

    Luke could also heel inline with the feet on the pedal… on a bike run and change direction suddenly at milliseconds notice

    I ran him once daily on the bike appx 4 kilos distance and he loved it
    He also enjoyed car rides and on long trips from Winnipeg to Calgary and return ?

    I must say he tolerated travel well and u had to look for him in the back seat area to remind oneself he was accompanying them on the trip!

    We kept his coat trimmed three times a year and if left to long his coat can and will become a wooly trap for burrs that will have to cut out of his mane or underbelly and also a safe haven of obscurity for wood ticks as they are hard to find among the flowing locks of soft gentle hair Wheatons from Ireland are known for having vs the tighter wool like outter coat found on the American bred lines of the Wheaton Terrier

    Luke lived till 17 yrs of age

    Every one of his 17 yrs he lived healthy and happy free of any type of hereditary faults that can effect so many other breeds and other than his yearly grooming every three months and apart from the burrs and wood tick issues ?

    Was low maintenance overall and was not a demanding breed overall and I did many a long hour during his first two years of life devoted to daily obedience training which is appx 1.5 yrs more time required in obedience training a Labrador retriever and not cuz the Lab has superior intelligence … far from it… it was because WT’s can be stubborn and independent thinking as they did not rely on humans historically to guide them on a vermin hunt or to herd livestock … they were bred to do so on their own …without human input or intervention but if one is persistent and firm yet fair with them in obedience training ?

    They will respond positively

    I have seen some WT’s with human owners they do not respond to but that is more a function of the owners downfall and lack of effort put into early training then it is dog related

    Case in point I have been brought Labs who couldn’t hunt to save their own lives let alone take hand signals from water or land to be human guided to downed prey they couldn’t locate or retrieve on their own marking and again with the very rare exception it was human owned error

    Dogs … all dogs and no dogs … will listen to ur command or respond to your hand until u first show then how much u care and earn their respect and become accepted by them as the Aplha of the house and their own canine pecking order.

    That is a short synopsis of my background with dogs up to present where we now own an Irish Terrier from a reputable Breeder named Ian McDonald or MacDonald located in Southern Ontario Canada.

    We received Achilles here in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada at appx 8 weeks of age via air freight from Ontario

    He was the cutest pup my spouse Judy and I have ever seen… he looked to be all head lol with over sized paws but I know all dog owners with pups think there pup also fits that description.

    Cept Achilles as an Irish T pup on day one?

    Had self confidence .. he loved human contact and interaction but didn’t depend on it

    He had attitude in that he knew and carried himself proud for a pup like he knew he was a Heritage Breed of select Irish heritage lol.

    From day one what sets Irish T’s apart from any other dog that I have owned or known as owned by others …is their innate and unique 6 th sense in that when u talk to them in general or instruct them as in commands ?

    They actually think about what ur saying
    In a sincere quizzical gaze of expression returned to you … often with a tilt of the head to one side as tho requiring for them a left and right sided brain perspective lol
    Infact they seem to never stop trying to figure you as a human out as much as you think your doing the same with them lol

    And this may sound like an exaggeration but Achilles is and has been intensely territorial and protective from about the 3 mths (12 weeks) stage of his life.

    Our adult son had friend come over with a male Jack Russell adult cross and within .05 sec or less when they were introduced to each other in the back yard?

    Achilles let the other dog know unequivocally he was not welcomed let alone tolerate being on his turf and this was just him living with us for 4 weeks at just 12 weeks of puppyhood.

    Today Achilles is appx 15.5 mths old
    He stands maybe 20-21 inches tall and in a good day goes about 32-32.5 lbs in weight

    But he is as strong in any pulling exercise as a dog 3-5 times that weight and could even compete in the canine category for “most power per pound”.

    Achilles does things most of not all other dogs cannot do or possess in their physical asset tool box for this Irish T is like owning a defensive tackle… a running back and wide receiver all rolled into one to the point Judy and I compare him physically speaking to an Olympic Decathlete he is that well rounded to a myriad of activities overall

    He can jump off our deck when not spying something moving that is… like he is a ten meter tower diver being graded by judges for grace / aesthetic beauty and degree of difficulty or if he has seen something living and moving in the backyard he races out the back kitchen patio doors and flies recklessly off the deck flinging bhimself maybe 5-10 yrds in the air off the deck to close the distance on his suspected prey and then chase that bird / butterfly / chipmunk or Vermin the length of the yard full tilt growling under his breath thee or four times non stop the width of the back yard lol

    A few times a day he will go to the door to be let out JUST to go out and patrol his domain ( our yard( lol to satisfy himself nothing is encroaching on the area he knows as “home”.

    He will not respond willingly to the come command when he is focused in that protective instinct and/ or prey mode and off leash in the back yard and it is for that reason he is never let off leash outside the home

    He has 2 bike rides a day currently
    Each one appx 20-30 min in length and 3.2-3.6 kilos in duration
    And there more like wind sprints than a job lol

    At 6 mths of age in the dead of winter Achilles could and has pulled me up a 15% grade hill at full speed without myself able to keep up with his pace with my pedalling so he is actually pulling a 200 lb fit man up a 15% grade hill in the dead of winter that is how strong this Irish T was at 6 mths and it continues to this day at 15,5 mths of age as we continue with the twice a day bike runs thru out the entire 4 seasons of the year

    And unlike the dog owners and their experiences?

    He loves the rain and in-fact excels on the bike runs if it’s raining whether it’s a light drizzle or down pour to the point the usual 20-30 min bike run has to be extended to 30-40 min start to finish and he has a devilish type smile on his face the entire time lol

    And he dries very quickly as his coat even if clipped by a groomer vs hand stripped seems to dry even faster than a Labrador Retrievers does.

    He also gets indulged with a daily walk by the Mrs’s and I play fetch with him from mid Sept to mid April every single day which he actually insists upon bringing one of his training dummies at my feet insisting we play fetch on his time availability vs my own lol

    I could go in about this breed
    How they look at u with most intense / quizzical / every thinking expression when he has had his daily physical exercise requirements or with the expression of fire of a heavyweight prize fighter closing in on the knockout of an opponent when he is working in the field or patrolling the yard for any intrusion… ( last week he snatched a sparrow out of mid air while chasing it and proceeded to devour it and the week before he was chasing the wasps off the bag deck and infact caught one out mid air and promptly swallowing it and the expression on his face while it was in his mouths grasp was priceless lol)

    The Irish T is known by knowledgeable dog owners as “ the War Dog”and my wife Judy and I are always aware and forever humbled of the courageous service to the allies during the First World War and the treacherous and deplorable conditions they were exposed to and bravely sends thru as sentinels and messenger dogs to the British and Allued forces and remain deeply humbled by how steep a price this breed of dog paid willingly with their own lives just to complete the mission they were assigned and trained for by their human military handlers.

    I am in my mid 60’s now with Grandchildren that Achilles loves and adores and plays with diligently seemingly acutely aware of the tender 4years of age involved he is playing with .

    And he never barks at other dogs on either side of our back yard fence

    They bark profusely at him when he is out back… but he never barks at them

    He sniffs his side of the fence … wags his tail … leaves his mark and then goes about his daily backyard patrol for intruders be they insect animal bird or other !
    As is my spouse … sometimes we joke about maybe we should have got a 3 legged Irish Terrier who we could keep up with lol but I would not trade this furry 3 rd child of ours for anything and Judy and I cannot imagine our lives without Achilles the Irish T that he is… in our lives and since they also can live upwards of 15 yrs this will no doubt be our last canine addition to our family as by the time Achilles turns 15 we will be in our early 80’s ourselves and we think it’s almost fitting that given all the years we have shared with our canine friends that Achilles the Irish T is perhaps in our personal experience up to this point and time … the G O A T

    The “Greatest of All Time” bar none!

    PS it is best to have had experience as being a previous dog owner and having an active lifestyle if considering owning an Irish T and put in the time required to earn their respect cuz they won’t just give it to you Carte Blanche … infact there are times I have expressed to family that there is an actual little human inside the compact package of the Irish T and that Achilles is training me/us as much as we/I am training him!

    Such is the nature of there never being dull moment of daily life owning an Irish T and even while at rest or in the dead of sleep you will find yourself looking at this dog … taking in I it’s perfectly shaped head to toe symmetrical build … is unique coat and ultra confident poise and grit on display all packaged in a medium sized package where they will do things when awake that make u ask out loud to urself or others …” how did this dog just do that …? It’s physically impossible for him to be able to do that isn’t it? But yet he just did it…OMG! it’s unbelievable !!”

    We are all Irish T ti the core and there is a little bit of Irish Terrier in all of us!

    Thank You
    Mr Robin and Judy Tymkin
    Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

    Robin Tymkin
  • Great article. Our IT Jasper is always ready for (and seeks out) cuddles and fusses. He wants to be involved with everything. He hates the rain. Is a master of the splash and dash in bad weather and has cloth ears when being called in from the garden. He has a a strong hunting instinct and has caught and sadly dispatched rabbits when he gets the chance. He’s always walked on a lead. He’s fabulous with people, gentle with children and friendly with other dogs. He stops and waits for dogs to approach him which means he sometimes stops for a long time on walks until the other dog gets near. He’s a mischievous counter surfer and will pinch things for attention but give anything up for a treat. We get stopped multiple times on every walk to be complimented on his handsome looks – we are often told he’s a picture book dog.

    Joanne Melling
  • They are wonderful dogs.
    Nice article.
    Just one thing…ideally they aren’t meant to be clipped at all because one layer of their double coat grows back differently after clipping and is no longer water resistant.
    Our Milo is like Odin and Astra and is less than keen on the rain.
    Both our Irish terriers have had unusual barks – as if their voice hasn’t broken but I don’t remember family ones in the past being like that.
    I wonder has anyone else experienced that? I’ve had IT owners say they mature later than other dogs.
    I’m not sure they’re ever fully trustworthy off the lead and as they can jump really high so decent height fencing is advised.

  • We have two Irish terriers, a father and daughter duo- Odin and Astra. Odin is 6 and Astra is 3. They are wonderful, entertaining and charming dogs. Odin ranges between 13kg to 14kg, while Astra tips in at 12-13kg. They are great companions for each other. Odin has a calm and mild temperament, gentle with other dogs. Astra is a a bit more raucous and stands her ground a lot more with other more boisterous dogs. They really enjoy meeting people are very good with children. Both love the outdoors, though hate the rain! Odin has his own approach to recall and will return when he is sure there isn’t a better option, while Astra really is very good at coming back. They get great fun from hide and seek games and are crafty- they have been known to steal some food items from the kitchen counter! I could not recommend Irish terriers highly enough. They are loving, smart dogs and great companions.

  • Hi all, just to add – once Pebble is wet, because maybe your daily Dreich changes suddenly to a Lashing, he is fine with that and won’t mind. But dare you trying to pull him out into a Mizzle directly from the doorstep! 😜


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